The Barn Gallery is located in Ringwood State Park
Ringwood Manor
1304 Sloatsburgh Road
Ringwood, NJ 07456
Ph: 973-839-0921
RMAA is open Weekends, Wednesdays and Holidays: 1 to 4 pm. There is no admission fee to RMAA exhibitions and presentations. A Park entrance fee may be charged weekends from Memorial Day through Labor Day. All Park visitors are welcome at RMAA exhibitions.
As you enter the park, the Barn Gallery is to the right of the entry booth. If you are able, please park in the main parking lot above and leave the side parking for volunteers who will be working at the Gallery. Take a few minutes to walk down and enjoy the park, ponds, and scenery.
Executive Board
President: Joseph Fontana
Vice President: Patricia Mueller
Treasurer: Leah Madsen
Secretary: Pamela Leggate
Exhibition Directors
Young Artists’ Expo: Leah Madsen
Poetry: Karen Lee Ramos
Members’ Exhibition: Pamela Leggate
Winners’ Circle: Leah Madsen
Photography Show: Joseph Fontana
Open Juried Exhibition: Pat Ley
Officers Emeriti:
Dorothy Barbanti, Jacinthe Battaglino,
Trustees: Irene Busteed, Nancy Gibbs, Pat Ley, Elaine Norman, Karen Lee Ramos, Nancy Rogers, Vi Shipley