2017 Holiday Sale – Artist & Vendor Information
We are excited to once again be hosting the RMAA Holiday Sale to benefit the Carriage Barn Roof Restoration Fund. The sale will run from 11am – 4pm during the weekends of December 2-3 & 9- 10, and the day of December 6th, concurrent with Ringwood Manor’s Victorian Christmas celebration. This event brings lots of visitors to the Carriage Barn Gallery and is designed to feature the varied talents of our artists.
Each Artist can submit up to 10 pieces of hanging artwork, and an unlimited amount of crafts, ornaments, jewelry, prints, etc. This gives our artists an additional opportunity to showcase their talents.
There is NO charge to participate in the sale. All items must be for sale and we request a 30% donation to the RMAA Carriage Barn Restoration Fund. Of course, any donations of items for sale are greatly appreciated.
You need not be a member to participate. However, should the gallery be full, members work will be given priority and we reserve the right to rotate items for display.
Alternatively, Artists can choose to rent a table during the show, at the cost of $40 per day or $60 for 2 days.
We will also be sponsoring an Ornament Contest, with cash prizes! All ornaments must be for sale and will be displayed either in Mr. Hewitt’s Office at Ringwood Manor or in the Carriage Barn Gallery.
Receiving for both the Holiday Sale and the Ornament Contest will take place, November 11th and November 25th from 11am – 2pm in the Carriage Barn Gallery.
The prospectus’ for the sale and ornament contest can be found below:
Download the Holiday Sale Prospectus HERE
Download the Holiday Ornament Contest Entry Form HERE